



燃气产品出口沙特Saudi Quality Mark(SQM)证书怎么办理?

2020-12-02 12:03:52
根据沙特阿拉伯标准组织 SASO( Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization)颁布的第 216 号沙特内阁法令,制造商和贸易商现在被要求需通过授权认证机构为受管控的产品申请沙特质量标志 Saudi Quality Mark( SQM) 。其中,燃气器具产品被纳入强制管控清单里: Appliances that are operated by gas and its accessories (LPG) (Domestic Cooker, Ovens, Grills, LPG Heaters, Gas rubber hoses) 燃气器具及其配件(家用炊具、烤箱、烤架、液化石油气加热器、燃气橡胶软管等。 )

根据沙特阿拉伯标准组织 SASO要求,燃气器具及其配件被纳入强制管控清单里,需要拿到Saudi Quality Mark(SQM)证书后才可进入该市场。目前华商检测合作实验室已获得SASO官方授权,并且是唯一可安排国内人员直接审厂的机构,申请流程如下:

According to Saudi cabinet Decree No. 216 issued by SASO (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization), gas appliances are included in the mandatory control list. You cannot import SASO market unless obtain SQM certificate. Now SGS have been authorized by SASO to start Saudi Quality Mark audit and related technical services, and SGS is currently the only organization that can arrange China domestic personnel to audit the factory directly. You can see below procedure.

凭借在全球范围内实施产品符合性评定的丰富经验, SGS 已获得 SASO 官方授权,开启沙特质量标志 Saudi Quality Mark 审核及相关技术服务,依据 SASO 技术法规对相关文件进行审核评估及其他技术支持,为相关企业提供专业的技术指导。 SGS 是目前唯一可安排国内人员直接审厂的机构。

获得使用 Saudi Quality Mark 许可证的申请流程如下: